- Taste Pho in assorted dishes and find out how popular of Pho among Vietnamese
- Tastes special “PHO” cocktail
Tour Brief
Pho, Vietnam’s national dish, is a noodle soup served in a large bowl eaten anywhere in Vietnam at any time of day. This evening, you will sample Pho in assorted dishes and drink. Be ready with new experiences awaiting your discovery.
Pho appear in varied dishes and today let the flavors of the assorted dishes guide you to the tasty Pho.
Pho cuon (Pho rolls) is basically a thicker rice noodle sheet, with sauteed beef, some herbs and lettuce wrapped into a roll and dipped into a sweetened fish sauce. Pho chien phong (fried Pho noodle), which the noodles are cut in pieces of square, frying, adding the fried beef & green broccoli onto the dish. Pho xao (stir fry Pho) or Pho tron (Pho in a sweetened & sour fish sauce) is another choice for your sampling.
What list of Pho would be complete without a bowl of Pho? A bowl of Pho consists of beef or chicken broth flavored with cloves, cinnamon and star anise, to which are added flat rice noodles, spring onions and slivers of chicken, or beef.
Last but not least, let’s explore a new way to enjoy Pho: Pho in a glass or Pho cocktail. Invented in 2012 by mixologist Pham Tien Tiep, who was named Vietnam’s best bartender at the Diageo Reserve World Class cocktail competition that year. Pho cocktail contains many of the herbs and spices found in pho, without the broth or meat, its taste is refreshingly sweet. Sipping Pho cocktail, feel the flavor combination between sweet, sour and chilly.
Back to your hotel after having interesting experience of tasting pho in assorted dishes and drink.
Price Details
PRICES: Valid to end of Dec 2019 (excluded Holidays) USD/ person
Group size | 2 people | 3 people | 4 people | 5-6 people | 7-8 people | 9-10 people |
Price per guest | 52 | 42 | 38 | 33 | 30 | 28 |